17 Benefits of CoQ10 with Clinical Research links ~
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1) Increased Energy - CoQ10 plays a critical role in the production of ATP / adenosine triphosphate (energy) within the mitochondria of every cell in the body. ATP is often referred to as the main “energy currency" of the body because it provides the necessary energy for various cellular functions.
Mitochondria are known as the "powerhouses" of the cells, responsible for converting nutrients into usable energy. CoQ10 is present in high concentrations within the mitochondria, particularly in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
CoQ10 assists in the conversion of energy from carbohydrates and fatty acids into ATP through a process called oxidative phosphorylation. A lack of CoQ10 can cause a reduction in ATP production, resulting in lower energy levels and fatigue.
CoQ10 serves as an electron carrier within the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC), where it transports electrons derived from complex I and II to complex III, enabling a continuous supply of electrons that are required for the process of oxidative phosphorylation with the concomitant product of ATP [3] (Figure 1).
2) Heart Health - CoQ10 is the #1 Cardiologist recommended supplement for heart and cardiovascular health, since it’s been clinically proven to help improve blood flow and blood pressure, as well as reduce the risk of arrhythmias and heart failure. Its heart health benefits have been reported extensively in the International Journal of Cardiology. as well as PubMed.
Heart Failure: Several studies have indicated that CoQ10 supplementation may improve symptoms and functional capacity in individuals with heart failure. CoQ10 is involved in energy production within heart cells, and its supplementation has shown potential in enhancing cardiac function and reducing hospitalizations (References: [1] JACC Heart Failure - Coenzyme Q10 in Heart Failure: A Meta-Analysis; [2] European Journal of Heart Failure - Meta-analysis of clinical trials on use of coenzyme Q10 for the adjunctive treatment of chronic heart failure).
Coenzyme Q10 supplementation reduces oxidative stress and increases antioxidant enzyme activity in patients with coronary artery disease).
Statin-Induced Myopathy: Statin medications, commonly prescribed for managing cholesterol, can sometimes cause muscle pain and weakness (myopathy) as a side effect. CoQ10 supplementation has been investigated as a potential strategy to alleviate these statin-induced muscle symptoms,(Reference: [4] Journal of the American College of Cardiology - Effect of Coenzyme Q10 Therapy on Muscle Wasting in Statin Users).
3) Blood Pressure Management: Some research suggests that CoQ10 supplementation may have a modest lowering effect on blood pressure, particularly in individuals with hypertension. CoQ10’s antioxidant and vasodilatory properties are thought to contribute to its potential antihypertensive effects (Reference: [3] Journal of Human Hypertension
4) Anti-inflammatory Effects: CoQ10 has been found to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties in various studies, which can help regulate immune responses and reduce excessive inflammation (Reference: [3] Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology Coenzyme Q10 supplementation reduces inflammatory markers in patients with coronary artery disease).
In a study by Yakin et al. [79 CoQ10 treatment increased the total antioxidant status as well as decreased the levels of TNF and IL-6 (inflammatory cytokines).
CoQ10 may also induce the expression of the transcription factors Nrf2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2), which binds to the antioxidant response element that activates a battery of genes resulting in the expression of antioxidant and detoxifications proteins, in turn resulting in a suppression of the inflammatory response [74].
CoQ10 treatment was found to decrease the production of IL-6 and COX-2 (inflammatory molecules) in the small intestine, as well as increase both the level of GSH and the activity of catalase, in addition to decreasing the level of lipid peroxidation as indicated by malondialdehyde [80]. Interestingly, CoQ10 treatment was found to decrease the expression of intestinal NfkB, which was thought to be directly responsible for the decrease in the levels of IL-6 and COX-2.
5) Immune System: CoQ10 performs a number of cellular functions of potential relevance to the immune system. Firstly, CoQ10 has a key role in cellular energy supply and the immune response has intensive energy requirements and an adequate supply of CoQ10 is therefore required to enable the various cell types of the immune system to function optimally.
Secondly, CoQ10 is able to directly modulate the action of genes involved in inflammation and may have a role in controlling the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines in disorders where this may be required [6].
Some research suggests that CoQ10 supplementation may have a positive impact on immune response and modulate immune function (Reference: [2] Clinical Immunology - Coenzyme Q10 affects expression of genes involved in cell signaling, metabolism, and transport in human T lymphocytes). This modulation could potentially enhance immune system efficiency.
CoQ10 is required for the optimal function of the immune system, as well as mediating inflammatory response in disease. The functions of CoQ10 supplementation in the treatment of immunopathy and in the immune function of other diseases are outlined in Figure 2. Indeed, the prospect of immune dysfunction has been associated with human CoQ10 deficiency
Figure 2 image:

Several clinical studies have linked depleted CoQ10 levels to an increased susceptibility to infection. Thus, Chase et al. [25] reported significantly reduced serum CoQ10 levels in patients with influenza compared to healthy control subjects. In children hospitalized with pandemic influenza (H1N1), Kelekçi et al. [26] reported a significant correlation between depletion of serum CoQ10 levels and chest radiographic findings.
In a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial, elderly patients with pneumonia showed significantly improved recovery following administration of CoQ10 (200 mg/day for 14 days) compared to the placebo group with a shortening of the symptomatic period and duration of treatment being reported [27
Specifically with regard to infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus, in a clinical study by Israel et al. [28], intake of CoQ10 was associated with a significantly reduced risk of hospitalization from SARS-CoV-2. In this large population study, patients hospitalized following SARS-CoV-2 infection were assigned to two case-control cohorts, which differed in the manner in which control subjects were selected—either from the general population or from patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 but not requiring hospitalization. From a range of substances investigated, three were identified which significantly reduced the risk of hospitalization following SARS-CoV-2 infection, most notably the ubiquinone form of CoQ10
Additionally of note is the computational study by Caruso et al. [31], in which the authors identified CoQ10 as a compound capable of inhibiting the SARS-CoV-2 virus, via binding to the active site of the main viral protease (SARS-CoV-2 Mpro protease) which is required for viral replication. In SARS-CoV-2 infections, a balance must be achieved in immune defense against the virus, without precipitating the so-called cytokine storm, the uncontrolled release of pro-inflammatory cytokines responsible for lung injury and respiratory distress in severely affected patients [32].
Folkers and colleagues have reported the ability of CoQ10 monotherapy as well as CoQ10 taken together with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) to significantly increase the levels of T4-lymphocytes together with the immunoglobulin, IgG in human subjects providing further support for the use of this isoprenoid in the treatment of infectious diseases [33].
In a case report by Farough et al. [40], a 4-year-old child with immune dysfunction (manifested as abnormal T-cell function and frequent recurrent infections) was found to be CoQ10 deficient (via muscle biopsy analysis). Supplementation with CoQ10 (150 mg/day for 12 months) resulted in a significant improvement in T-cell function as measured by the proliferative response with interleukins and reduced incidence of infections. The improvement in immune function was accompanied by a plasma CoQ10 level above the reference range at 3 months and within the reference range at 12 months following supplementation.
supplementation with CoQ10 (200 mg/day for 2 months) resulted in a significant increase in the blood levels of a T-lymphocyte subtype (T4, responsible for immune response regulation) and IgG (the most common type of antibody produced by B-lymphocytes)
CoQ10 may help reduce oxidative stress and protect immune cells from damage (Reference: [1] PubMed Central - Antioxidant role of Coenzyme Q10). Oxidative stress can negatively affect immune function, and by reducing it, CoQ10 may indirectly support a healthy immune system.
Indeed, the prospect of immune dysfunction has been associated with human CoQ10 deficiency [40]. In view of the ability of CoQ10 supplementation to enhance the activity of the immune cells, especially the B and T lymphocytes [14], as well as ameliorate the inflammatory response [47], it may be appropriate for use in a number of diseases of the immune system. One such disease is the neurodegenerative disorder multiple sclerosis (MS), an immune-mediated disease of the central nervous system. A study by Sanoobar et al. [90] reported the ability of CoQ10 supplementation to reduce the circulatory levels of the inflammatory markers (TNF, IL-6, and metallopeptidase 9; MMP-9) in MS patients
6) Cancer prevention: Interestingly, people with cancer have been shown to have lower levels of CoQ10. Some studies suggest low levels of CoQ10 may be associated with a higher risk of certain types of cancer in some older studies, including breast and prostate cancer (42Trusted Source, 43 Trusted Source, 44
Trusted Source). Several newer studies have also suggested this with regard to lung cancer (45, 46 Trusted Source ).
Evidence of decreased plasma concentrations of CoQ10 has been reported in patients with cancer (breast cancer, myeloma, lymphoma, and lung cancer) [63,64]. Furthermore, Jolliet et al. [65] reported decreased levels of plasma CoQ10 in both patients with breast cancer, and also in patients with non-malignant breast disease. These results indicated that the decreased CoQ10 levels may also be responsible for benign mammary cell growth. The study also found a statistically significant relationship between the plasma CoQ10 level and breast cancer prognosis.
The overexpression of the inflammatory cytokines, IL-6 and TNF have been reported in the tumor microenvironment, where they promote all the hallmarks of cancer, including cell proliferation, angiogenesis, invasiveness, and metastasis [69]. Interestingly, since CoQ10 has been reported to decrease the circulatory level of these cytokines [47], the deficit in CoQ10 status reported in cancer patients may contribute to the high levels of IL-6 and TNF detected in this disease [69,70]. Indeed, a preliminary study in six cancer patients reported the ability of CoQ10 therapy to reduce the circulatory levels of TNF.
Cancer cells have been known for a long time to be able to tame or dampen down the immune system preventing an immune response from being directed at the cancer. However, a CoQ10 derivative known as 4-aetylantroquinonol derived from the mycelium of Antrodia cinnamonea has the potential to improve the anti-tumor immune response, by increasing the antigen-presenting ability of dendritic cells and their ability to secrete immune-related cytokines decreasing the secretion of immune escape related cytokines, IL-6 and IL-10 [81].
Other studies have reported evidence of cancer remission following CoQ10 supplementation [72,73
Increasing impact of chemotherapy drugs and protect from side effects: Supplementing with CoQ10 during cancer treatment may help increase the cancer-killing potential of these medications (like doxorubicin and daunorubicin). There is also evidence that CoQ10 can protect the heart from DNA damage that can sometimes occur from high doses of chemotherapy medications.
May slow or reverse spread of breast cancer: A 2017 article published in Future Oncology states: “Medical approaches are available for treatment of BC… A promising candidate is coenzyme Q10 which is an antioxidant that can target the mechanisms of BC tumor progression.” That’s not all. A 1994 study followed 32 breast cancer patients (ranging from 32–81 years old) classified as “high-risk,” due to the way their cancer had spread to lymph nodes. Each patient was given nutritional antioxidants, essential fatty acids and 90 milligrams per day of CoQ10. Not only did no patients die over the study period of 18 months, but no patient worsened during this period, all reported quality of life improvements and six patients went into partial remission. Two of the patients in partial remission were then given more coenzyme Q10 (300 milligrams each day), both of whom went into total remission, showing complete absences of previous tumors and tumor tissue (one after two months, the other after three months).
- Could help prevent colon cancer: One research study discovered CoQ10 significantly lowered oxidative stress in the colon that leads to colon cancer.
- Might play a role in the prevention of cervical cancer: Low levels of CoQ10 are seen in patients with cervical cancer, although it’s not clear why.
- May improve survival rate in end-stage cancers: A pilot study over nine years followed 41 patients with various primary cancers that had advanced to stage four and were given CoQ10 supplements plus an additional antioxidant mixture. Of the patients followed, the median time of survival was 17 months, five months longer than expected overall. In total, 76 percent of the patients survived longer than expected on average, with little to no side effects noted from the treatment.
7) Antioxidant Activity: CoQ10 also acts as an antioxidant, protecting the mitochondria from oxidative damage. As mitochondria generate energy, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced as byproducts. Excessive ROS can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced energy production. CoQ10’s antioxidant properties help neutralize these harmful free radicals, preserving mitochondrial function and supporting energy production.
CoQ10 functions as an important lipid-soluble antioxidant, protecting cellular membranes and circulatory lipoproteins from free radical-induced oxidative damage [4].
8) Blood sugar: Abnormal mitochondrial function has also been linked to insulin resistance (36 Trusted Source).
CoQ10 has been suggested to improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels (37 Trusted Source, 38 Trusted Source).
A few studies have suggested that CoQ10 supplementation may have a positive impact on blood sugar control in individuals with type 2 diabetes. One study demonstrated that CoQ10 supplementation improved glycemic control and reduced markers of oxidative stress in participants with type 2 diabetes (Reference: [1] Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition - Effect of coenzyme Q10 administration on endothelial function and extracellular superoxide dismutase in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus).
Insulin Resistance: CoQ10 has been investigated for its potential role in improving insulin sensitivity and reducing insulin resistance, a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. Some studies have shown modest improvements in insulin resistance markers with CoQ10 supplementation (Reference: [2] European Journal of Clinical Nutrition - The effect of coenzyme Q10 on morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure: results from Q-SYMBIO: a randomized double-blind trial).
Another study in people with diabetic neuropathy — a type of nerve damage that can occur in people with diabetes — found that taking 100 mg of CoQ10 daily for 12 weeks may have improved HbA1c levels and insulin resistance (39
Trusted Source). Not only that, but it also may have reduced markers of oxidative stress and harmful compounds, such as advanced glycation end products, compared to a placebo (39 Trusted Source).
9) Brain health: Some research suggests that CoQ10 supplementation may have a positive impact on cognitive function, particularly in older adults. It has been associated with improvements in memory, attention, and executive function, although more robust studies are needed to establish definitive conclusions.
Neuroprotective Effects: CoQ10 has been studied for its potential neuroprotective effects. It may help protect brain cells from damage and improve their resilience against various factors that can contribute to neurodegenerative conditions.
The brain is very susceptible to oxidative damage due to its high fatty acid content and its high demand for oxygen (51Trusted Source). This oxidative damage enhances the production of harmful compounds that can affect memory, cognition, and physical functions (52 Trusted Source).
CoQ10 may help reduce these harmful compounds, possibly slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, according to some animal studies (53 Trusted Source, 54
Trusted Source, 55 Trusted Source).
CoQ10 has also been studied for its potential impact on age-related cognitive decline. Some research suggests that CoQ10 supplementation may have a positive effect on certain cognitive measures, such as memory and executive function, in older adults (Reference: [4] Aging Clinical and Experimental Research - The effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on cognitive function in elderly individuals: a systematic review)
Some studies have suggested potential benefits of CoQ10 supplementation in certain neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. These studies indicated improvements in certain symptoms or markers of the disease (References: [1] Journal of Neurochemistry - Coenzyme Q10 improves mitochondrial respiration in patients with mitochondrial cytopathies; [2] Journal of Neural Transmission - Coenzyme Q10 supplementation and cognitive function in individuals aged 40-70 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis).
10) Fertility - Female fertility decreases with age due to a decline in the number and quality of available eggs (13Trusted Source).
CoQ10 is directly involved in this process. As you age, CoQ10 production slows, making the body less effective at protecting the eggs from oxidative damage (14Trusted Source).
Supplementing with CoQ10 seems to help and may even reverse this age-related decline in egg quality and quantity (14
Trusted Source).
Similarly, male sperm is susceptible to oxidative damage, which may result in reduced sperm count, poor sperm quality, and infertility (15Trusted Source).
Several studies have concluded that supplementing with CoQ10 may improve sperm quality, activity, and concentration by increasing antioxidant protection (16
Trusted Source, 17 Trusted Source).
11) Helps Treat Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Multiple clinical trials and case reports have found that CoQ10 may be a powerful natural method of treating fibromyalgia symptoms. In adults, the dosage was typically 300 milligrams per day, while one study on juvenile fibromyalgia focused on a 100 milligram dose.
Improvements included:
12) Depression and Mood: Adjunctive Therapy: CoQ10 has been investigated as an adjunctive therapy for individuals with depression who are already receiving standard antidepressant treatment. Some studies have shown modest improvements in depressive symptoms when CoQ10 is used alongside conventional treatment (Reference: [1] Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology - Coenzyme Q10 as an adjunctive treatment for depression: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial).
13) Migraine Prevention: CoQ10 has been investigated for its potential role in preventing migraines, and some studies have shown promising results. These studies suggest that CoQ10 supplementation may reduce the frequency and severity of migraines (Reference: [3] Neurology - Coenzyme Q10 for the preventive treatment of migraines: a systematic review
Abnormal mitochondrial function can lead to increased calcium uptake by the cells, the excessive production of free radicals, and decreased antioxidant protection. This can result in low energy in the brain cells and may contribute to migraine (24
Trusted Source). Since CoQ10 lives mainly in the mitochondria of the cells, it has been shown it may help improve mitochondrial function and may be beneficial for the treatment of migraine (25Trusted Source).
One review of five studies found that CoQ10 may effectively reduce the duration and frequency of migraine in children and adults (26Trusted Source).
Another small study of 80 people found that people taking 100 milligrams (mg) of CoQ10 daily experienced a significant reduction in the frequency, severity, and duration of migraine, with no adverse side effects reported (27Trusted Source).
Lastly, one 2017 study showed that CoQ10 might help reduce the frequency of headaches and make them shorter and less severe (28Trusted Source).
14) Liver, Kidneys other disorders:
Administration of supplemental CoQ10 has been shown (on the basis of randomized controlled clinical trials) to benefit a number of disorders, especially the prevention [92] or treatment [93] of cardiovascular disease, but also diabetes [94], non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [95], and chronic kidney disease [96], as well as some neurological disorders [97]. In particular, the use of supplemental CoQ10 for the treatment of heart failure has become well-established based on such evidence.
15) Support healthy skin aging: Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it’s widely exposed to damaging agents that contribute to aging (18Trusted Source). These agents can be internal or external. Some internal damaging factors include cellular damage and hormonal imbalances, while external factors include environmental agents such as UV rays (19). Harmful elements can lead to reduced skin moisture and protection from environmental aggressors, as well as the thinning of the layers of the skin (20 Trusted Source).
According to one 2015 study, applying CoQ10 directly to the skin may reduce the damage from internal and external agents by increasing energy production in skin cells and promoting antioxidant protection (21Trusted Source). When CoQ10 is applied directly to the skin, it may help reduce oxidative damage caused by UV rays and help decrease the depth of wrinkles, according to human and animal studies (22Trusted Source, 23 Trusted Source).
16) Increase exercise performance - CoQ10 may help exercise performance by decreasing oxidative stress in the cells and improving mitochondrial function (32
Trusted Source). One study found that CoQ10 supplementation may have helped inhibit oxidative stress and markers of muscle and liver damage in adolescent elite swimmers during their competition phase (33 Trusted Source). Furthermore, supplementing with CoQ10 may help reduce fatigue, which could also potentially improve exercise performance (34Trusted Source).
17) Protect The Lungs: Of all your organs, your lungs have the most contact with oxygen. This makes them very susceptible to oxidative damage. Increased oxidative damage in the lungs and poor antioxidant protection, including low levels of CoQ10, can result in lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma (56Trusted Source). Some older studies have found that people with these conditions tend to have lower levels of CoQ10 (57 Trusted Source, 58Trusted Source).
A 2005 study demonstrated that supplementing with CoQ10 may have reduced inflammation in individuals who had asthma, as well as their need for steroid medications to treat it (59Trusted Source). Another study found that supplementing with CoQ10 and creatine — a compound found in muscle cells — improved functional performance, perception of shortness of breath, and body composition in people with COPD (60Trusted Source).
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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is important to note that while these studies indicate benefits from CoQ10 supplementation, individual responses to CoQ10 supplementation may vary. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen, especially for help in managing any health condition or disease. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific health needs and considerations.
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